When is behavior pathological

In fact, a large emerging body of research suggests that the symptoms of ADHD continue to plague most affected children as they transition into adulthood Riccio et al. Emerging research is also demonstrating that the symptoms that drive daily impairment for ADHD do in fact change into the adult years. Among the goals of DSM-V is to identify an appropriate set of symptoms for diagnosing ADHD in adulthood and create a diagnostic system capable of appropriately identifying adults with ADHD as well as assigning risk and estimating prognosis based on symptom presentation, severity and impairment.

Yet, as Canadian researchers Gabrielle Weiss and Lillian Hechtman suggested nearly fifteen years ago, the continuity of childhood conditions into adulthood is far from simple Weiss and Hechtman, Symptoms may persist into adulthood but changes in adult expectation and life style as well as the capacity of human beings to develop compensatory strategies makes the presentation of the condition such as ADHD different in adulthood.

Recently, Drs. These items fall broadly under an umbrella of executive function. Recent reports from the U. They also reflect a need for continued and thoughtful research in this area. It has yet to be demonstrated the manner in which specific symptoms, severity of symptoms, related comorbid problems and protective factors interact to affect impairment and outcome in ADHD. It is unclear whether those with the greatest impairments and struggles relative to ADHD in adult life are more symptomatic for ADHD, experience greater comorbid conditions or simply have had the benefit of fewer protective factors in their lives leading to a resilient outcome.

However, what is abundantly clear are the needs of these patients. I urge researchers and clinicians in the field of ADHD to address these issues, in particular attending to rates of diagnosis, effectiveness of treatments over time and an appreciation of the distinction between symptoms and impairments. Controversy in ADHD must not be reduced to opinion based debates about etiology, definition, evaluation and treatment but focus upon the importance of understanding human development and behavior.

In the end it is our responsibility to help our colleagues and society in general appreciate and understand the limitations suffered by individuals with ADHD, a neurologically based but environmentally driven condition. Most importantly, our work must be about providing appropriate care and assistance to those in need throughout the life span. Barkley RA, Murphy K. Identifying new symptoms for diagnosing ADHD in adults.

Psychological Med, , J Attent Dis, , Hechtman L. Genetic and neurobiological aspects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a review. J Psychiatr Neurosci, , Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A category or a continuum? Genetic analysis of a large-scale twin study. Neuroimaging of inhibitory control areas in children with ADHD who are treatment naive or in long-term treatment. Am J Psychiatr, , Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Manifestation in adulthood.

Arch Clin Neuropsycholog, , Abrir menu Brasil. Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria. Abrir menu. Sam Goldstein About the author. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. New York: Guilford; Publications Pages Publications Pages. Recently viewed 0 Save Search. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content.

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