When is archery season in colorado

While the total number of issued hunting licenses continues to decrease nationwide, Colorado remains home to world-class big game, small game, and waterfowl hunting in over state parks and designated wildlife areas. To hunt big game, all participants must first purchase a qualifying license through Colorado Parks and Wildlife, or from one of the many retail sellers across the state.

Licenses are typically made available on the 1st of March each year. Prior to application, participants must purchase a Habitat Stamp , and those born after January 1, , must also possess a Hunter Education Certificate. Once a qualifying license is acquired, prospective big game hunters, including youth participants, can enter into the primary permit draw which is typically held in mid to late May. Those not chosen in the primary draw are welcome to enter into a secondary draw conducted in July, and any remaining unused licenses are typically made available in August.

To hunt specific big game species in Colorado, dates are finalized in January for individual archery, muzzleloader, and rifle seasons.

Both residents and non-residents are required to purchase specific big game tags for deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, and bear. West of the interstate, deer and elk are typically grouped together in the same big game hunting seasons. Colorado has the largest state elk population , which attracts many local and out-of-state hunters hoping to bag the popular big-game species. With world-class buck hunting available well into the fall, it is easy to participate with over-the-counter licenses issued to both residents and nonresidents.

Until recently, pronghorn, also known as the American antelope, outnumbered people in northern Colorado and Wyoming. Today, a healthy population remains for legal hunting in a limited season. Pronghorn archery season is usually held for about one month beginning in mid-August, with hunting exclusively for bucks until September 1st. Pronghorn Buck or Doe Sep 1 - Sep Pronghorn by draw only Sep 21 - Sep Pronghorn by draw only Oct 2 - Oct Required for persons age buying or applying for a license first license only.

Note: A Habitat Stamp will be added to the first license purchase of the year. Dates and fees information provided by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. For additional hunting information please visit Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The biggest changes to be aware of are later starts to Archery and Rifle seasons.

The archery season for deer and elk is now a day season. The season will now start on September 2nd and end on September 30th. There was no change for muzzleloader season. Muzzleloader season opens on the second Saturday of September and runs for a total of 9 days.


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