When do you use endnotes in a paper

Footnotes are numbered consecutively throughout a research paper, except for those notes accompanying special material e. Numbering of footnotes are "superscript"--Arabic numbers typed slightly above the line of text. Do not include periods, parentheses, or slashes. They can follow all punctuation marks except dashes.

In general, to avoid interrupting the continuity of the text, footnote numbers are placed at the end of the sentence, clause, or phrase containing the quoted or paraphrased material. Depending on the writing style used in your class, endnotes may take the place of a list of resources cited in your paper or they may represent non-bibliographic items, such as comments or observations, followed by a separate list of references to the sources you cited and arranged alphabetically by the author's last name.

If you are unsure about how to use endnotes, consult with your professor. In general, the use of footnotes in most academic writing is now considered a bit outdated and has been replaced by endnotes, which are much easier to place in your paper, even with the advent of word processing programs.

However, some disciplines, such as law and history, still predominantly utilize footnotes. Consult with your professor about which form to use and always remember that, whichever style of citation you choose, apply it consistently throughout your paper. NOTE: Always think critically about the information you place in a footnote or endnote.

Ask yourself, is this supplementary or tangential information that would otherwise disrupt the narrative flow of the text or is this essential information that I should integrate into the main text? List of Partners vendors.

Share Flipboard Email. Richard Nordquist. English and Rhetoric Professor. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks.

Updated November 04, Featured Video. Cite this Article Format. Nordquist, Richard. Tips for Typing an Academic Paper on a Computer. How to Use Footnotes in Research Papers. How to Determine a Reliable Source on the Internet. How is a footnote different from an endnote? What do I include in the footnote or endnote? How do I Create a Footnote or Endnote? How is a Footnote different from an Endnote? Footnotes appear on the bottom of the page that contains the sentence to which it refers.

Endnotes are listed at the end of the paper on separate pages. Endnote pages are placed before the bibliography. What do I Include in the Footnote or Endnote? An example of an APA copyright and content endnote looks like: Content: 1. See Mariner , especially chapter 5, for Mariner, , Understanding Psychology, 22, p. Copyright by Copyright Holder. Reprinted by permission. However, they are on a separate page at the back of the paper. It includes the title "Footnotes" or "Notes. Endnotes indent the first sentence of the citation.

Vote count: No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post. Using Research Paper Endnotes Example Endnotes and footnotes are created the same way in a research paper. The difference between endnotes and footnotes is placement: a footnote is at the bottom of the page an endnote belongs at the end of a paper, book, or chapter One way for students to use endnotes in their research process is to read through the text, then with a second reading, examine the notes for further information.

Copyright permission footnotes provide information that we need permission to reprint. Excerpts exceeding words, especially from published works, benefit from copyright permission footnotes, too. Chicago Style One of the most common styles to include notes in a paper is in Chicago and Turabian style.


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