What will keep chipmunks away

A live trap usually involves a spring-loaded or one-way door. Since chipmunks are also the same size as mice and rats, you can also use traps designed for these critters, like rat traps that usually operate with a snap-down bar that will kill the animal.

There are pros and cons to each of these types of traps. Otherwise, the dead chipmunk in your yard may attract a host of other pests. Cleaning up after and around the chipmunk carcass also leaves you vulnerable to infection. When used along your property perimeter and near your vegetation, chipmunks will stay away because of the smell.

But these repellents will wash away after a while, so the animals will eventually return. Chipmunks can also eventually get used to them, so you should switch it up with different types of repellent to keep the critters on their toes. Most store-bought repellents come in liquid spray form or in the form of granules. They usually contain either natural substances that repel chipmunks with their smell.

These include certain essential oils, or traces of predator urine. The latter is much more effective because chipmunks know to stay away from certain animals that prey on them, such as coyotes and foxes. The symptoms that people often experience when eating spicy food watering eyes, mouth pain, and coughing are similar to what a small animal like a chipmunk experiences when put in direct contact with them.

Therefore, spicy peppers like cayenne pepper and chili pepper are both effective and non-toxic to plants and vegetation. To create your own repellent, add crushed peppers or hot sauce to a spray bottle and fill it with water. In the same way that mothballs repel moths, their odor and materials will also repel chipmunks for a period of time. Many birds prey on chipmunks and can easily scoop them off the ground for a quick snack. You can encourage natural removal of chipmunks by introducing more of their prey near your property and allowing nature to take its course.

Owls in particular are some of the best hunters of chipmunks and other small creatures like rodents. To encourage them onto your property, create an owl box as an easy-to-use nesting spot. Cut an entrance hole that is at least six inches wide, and add some small drain holes to the bottom. Place the box high up in a tree or on some type of beam. A professional exterminator will use a standardized inspection and treatment plan that meets your needs and has also been proved to work elsewhere.

Afterwards, the professional will create a targeted plan of methods that fit your needs, which can include whether or not you have plants and pets to protect and if the chipmunks have made their way inside your house. While their proven methods can be costlier than DIY efforts, they involve less trial and error. How To Get Rid of Chipmunks. HOW TO:.

Identify Inspect Treat Prevent When to call a professional. Trying to get rid of chipmunks for good? Are chipmunks interchangeable with squirrels? Not exactly. Chipmunks Versus Squirrels. Squirrels are definitely larger, with some species measuring up to or even more than two feet long. Weight : Chipmunks are very light mammals and often weigh less than six ounces when fully mature.

Squirrels are heavier and top out at between one and two pounds when grown. Common Species of Chipmunks. What is the Lifecycle of a Chipmunk? The First Season The first season occurs on milder winter days near springtime as they briefly leave their burrows.

The Second Season The second breeding season occurs during summer — often during July and August — and the females give birth in early fall. Litters Chipmunk females usually produce two to eight young per litter, more than replenishing the population. Can Chipmunks Transmit Disease to Humans? These illnesses include: Colorado Tick Fever: Similar to the flu and fairly mild in humans. Plague: May result in flu-like symptoms or lead to pneumonia.

Rabies: As a potentially fatal virus to all mammals, rabies strikes the nervous system — though symptoms might not occur for weeks. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Known for flu-like reactions and a skin rash that may spread across the body.

Never feed rodents in the wild. Never touch injured or dead rodents. Do not camp or rest near animal burrows. Is Bat Guano Dangerous?

What do they eat? Other herbs that can repel rodents are Basil, Lavender, and Rosemary. All dollar and novelty stores sell rubber snakes. Chipmunks, mice, and voles, are terrified of snakes. You may use them to cause a bit of alarm to the rodents and keep them away. The presence of a human or dog hair can make the chipmunks aware that a dog or a human is nearby because of the scent.

They may like our fruits and vegetables but they definitely want to stay away from us. You can buy plastic replicas of owls and coyotes to places in and around the garden. One replica should be enough to do the trick of scaring the squirrels away, depending on the size of your garden. Powerful smelling spices such as garlic and hot sauce also repel rodents.

To make a spray, mash garlic cloves, add a cup of hot sauce with a pint of vinegar and let it sit in the sun for a few days. Then, spray this mix around the plants with a hand spray bottle. Humans love coffee, but most animals do not like the smell or the taste of it while it benefits the plants as it is an excellent compost. Sprinkle used coffee grounds between your plants as a barrier. Many gardeners have also shared their success stories of deterring chipmunks with a generous sprinkling of baby powder.

This can stop the chipmunks from chomping the younger plants and seedlings as they cannot stand the taste or smell of it.

Just spread Epsom salt over plants. It not only helps you keep the rodents, including squirrels and rabbits away, but also helps your plant grow. Sprinkling chili powder, cayenne, or other hot, strong spices around your garden is a non-toxic way to discourage chipmunks from spending time here.

Place some grated Irish Spring soap around your plants. The sweet scent of peppermint oil is naturally unpleasant to a squirrel. You can try spraying your plants and flowers with water and then sprinkle on peppermint oil to banish them from hanging around your garden.

You can opt to buy a spray product that is made from the urine of predator animals like cats, and red foxes. If squirrels in your garden are taking refuge in the trees, you can wrap the bottom of the tree trunks with aluminum foil.

Need chipmunk removal in your hometown? We service over USA locations! Click here to hire us in your town and check prices - updated for year As you watch chipmunks scurry around, they can be quite adorable, but they can be more invasive and create chaos amongst your plants, garden and possibly your home.

Because they like to dig and build their homes beneath the soil, you may be frustrated by the way that your yard looks afterwards. Eliminate Food Sources Chipmunks like to eat fruit, nuts and seeds. Considering they are dwellers of the ground, eliminating food sources that make living in your yard quite comfy for them can help repel them. If you have bird feeders, position them about feet away so that the chipmunks are not attracted by any that spills.

Also, invest in bird feeders that are chipmunk proof. Clear your yard each day of any fruits, seeds or nuts that have fallen from the tree. Garlic and Hot Peppers Chipmunks are not very fond of the smell of garlic and marigolds supposedly, so you can actually make your own repellant by using them. You could grow garlic in your garden along with all of the other delectable veggies that you plant.

You might also consider picking a few cloves of garlic from your garden. Crush them and mix with 1 cup of hot soapy water and a few peppers. Add 1 tsp of oil after you have strained the mixture and allowed it to cool. Shake it up well and spray the mixture anywhere chipmunks seem to be a problem. This repellant has to be used every weeks to repel chipmunks and only works for a short period of time. Chipmunks will soon become immune to your solution and start back dining in your garden.

Mothballs Mothballs have been used quite often to deter chipmunks. People place them around the foundation of their yard and garden or in affected areas in your home. They produce a foul smell that people claim chipmunks cannot tolerate.


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