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Recommendations From Our Store. Stay Curious. IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Politics Covid U. News World Opinion Business. Share this —. Follow NBC News. Because the alien topic has been exploited for all it's worth by the market, the argument for the existence of extraterrestrial visitation seems watered down. Many people believe that extraterrestrial life is existent and far more advanced then us. Conversely, many believe that aliens are just figments of our optimistic imaginations.
What about our governments? Are they hiding vital information from us, the citizens of the world, in belief that we are better off not knowing the truth? Countless government employees have continually denied allegations of UFOs being in contact with our planet. I believe the Government is always trying cover up these matters. So many investigations about UFOs were closed and kept secretive, such as the incident in Roswell, NM ; which is considered as one of the most controversial UFO sightings ever.
It starte The idea of UFOs coming from another planet to visit us has always been there from the beginning of time and new witnesses to these phenomenons continue. I do not believe his case, but I do believe there has to be some form of extraterrestrial beings living among us. As far as a recommendation goes, I would not recommend this film. Nothing in this film seems real to me. One film along the same subject matter that I would highly recommend is called, Unacknowledged.
How ever, the military cover-up only served to fuel the fire of our imaginations. Interest continues to grow, as questions remain unanswered. Area 51 puzzles many people. The mystery behind area 51 can be summed up in two theories: aliens and aircrafts. The government has dismissed most of these claims as testing aircraft and other weapons, but there are some that have never been solved and still remain a mystery today.
People have often speculated what is inside and what exactly goes on inside the gates, but no one really knows, except the people who have worked there and are sworn to secrecy. Many believe that the UFOs seen near Area 51 and across the United States are U-2 spy planes that the military was testing there, however, there are some people who think the government is hiding a major secret there from the U.
Many people who do not believe that anything other than military weapons testing is going on inside Area 51 think that all of the UFO sightings are really just military aircraft. They have proven that often the light patterns people report being on the bottom side of the UFO matches the light patterns of certain military aircraft. From upon reasons, I destine to prove that Aliens exist and have been on the Earth.